Kite Trip

Kite trip Galicia

You are going to love doing a kite trip Galicia!
Indeed, Galicia is a riding gem. Waves, wind, lush nature, and a great diversity of spots. In addition, you will have mind blowing sceneries every moment.

kite trip galice

The kitesurfing addicts, and even more so the multi-disciplinary ones, will have a full-on feast during their kitesurfing stay in Galicia.
For this purpose, Kitesurf Galicia offers autonomous kitesurfers several services.
On the one hand, we offer a daily guide to point them on the right spot, at the right time.
On the other hand, we offer kitesurfing equipment rental and advanced courses (same for surfing).
Finally, we also offer all in one packages including accommodation.

All our services for experienced riders

Kite and surf guide in Galicia

kite trip galice

Opt for the icing on the cake: a tour guide for your trip to Galicia or surf trip in Galicia.
The concept ? The weather conditions served on a silver platter, we take you to the right spot, to the good tide, we brief you on the currents, the baïnes, the turbulence, the launching, the dangers. And you discover as many spots as possible, no matter the discipline.

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Kitesurfing Gear rental

location de matériel de kitesurf en galice

Kitesurfing equipement rental is proposed only as part of Kitesurf Galicia’s services.
In the course of trainings and private kite lessons, or during supervised navigations or in back up during an itinerant kite trip.
All rentals require a preliminary assessment of your kitesurfing level.

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Surf and kite trip Galicia

kite trip galicia

Galicia is the ideal place to combine kite and surf. These two nautical activities are perfectly complementary.

Whether you are a novice or an experienced rider, we have a pack adapted to your level, as your expectations.

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Multi-activity stay

Our multi-activity packs for single kitesurfers are a great way to get the most out of the weather.

Combine your private kitesurf guide (advice, choice of the spot and itinerant supervision on the spots) with the discovery of a new alternative activity (fishing, yoga or surfing).

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Kitesurf Galicia

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